Should I floss my teeth? Advantages of regular flossing
Many times we can’t see food debris between our teeth with the naked eye, so we invite you to check that in most cases there is food debris between our teeth. Brush your teeth and then grab your floss, use it to check if you really have completely clean teeth. No food residue? That’s a good thing! However, if you smell the floss you can see that the aroma changed from minty to a slightly unpleasant one and that is because although there was no food residue between your teeth, there were bacteria left behind, which you are already eliminating by flossing.
You have just seen for yourself that a dental floss is a tool that helps complete the cycle of your daily dental cleaning.
Maybe you didn’t know it, but many people don’t floss often. According to a representative analysis, only 30% of the population uses it daily. Dentists recommend its use once a day before going to sleep, in order to remove any food debris, bacteria, or tartar from between the teeth.
Although now you know the importance of flossing, let’s take a closer look at all its advantages:
It helps prevent bad breath: When food debris is left between the teeth it begins to decompose until it generates an unpleasant odor, now multiply this by 30, which are the interdental spaces where food debris can remain and you can imagine the result. That is why the use of dental floss usually solves bad breath problems.
Helps preserve tooth enamel: Tooth enamel protects the internal structure of the teeth, however, in the interdental spaces, the enamel is much thinner, which makes it a focus of infection by dental caries. Flossing protects our dental enamel from possible cavities.
It helps to maintain the white color of the teeth: Since flossing removes food debris between the teeth, our dental enamel will remain healthy for much longer, maintaining the white color of our teeth.

How to floss properly?
We have shared the National Institute of Aging’s guide a few times before, however, this comprehensive guide shows the steps to follow for proper flossing.
Is floss safe for the Coronavirus?
Yes, it is sold in a sealed package and comes in another hermetically sealed package. You should only close the floss case once you are done using it and avoid reusing used floss.
Where can I seek dental treatment in the Phoenix area?
If you are looking to get dental treatment in the Phoenix area, you can contact us at Somos Dental. At Somos Dental we offer emergency care and elective treatment during the New Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.
At Somos Dental we clean and disinfect all surfaces, machinery, and tools so you can go to the dentist without risk of contracting the virus.
You can fill out our online form or call us at 623-242-1320 for a free initial appointment (includes x-rays) to find out what type of orthodontic treatment would work best for you. You can visit us at any of our six locations in Downtown Phoenix, Mesa, Camelback, Laveen, Desert Sky Mall, and Avondale.