Invisalign vs Braces: Which is better?

Invisalign vs Braces Which is better

If you or someone in your family needs orthodontics, you may have several questions regarding traditional braces and Invisalign (Invisalign vs braces). Both are orthodontic treatments that can correct bite and aesthetic problems, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. In this blog article, we will cover some information about each treatment. Which is faster? […]

Swollen gums: causes and treatments

Swollen gums

Swollen gums may be a sign of more severe problems. People usually only pay attention to their teeth, but gums are also an essential part of them.  If your gums are swollen for more than one week, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. There can be brushing, flossing, and diet habits that […]

Root canal vs Crown: differences and benefits of each

Root canal vs Crown

A root canal and a dental crown are usually done together to restore a tooth’s functionality and appearance. However, some people can confuse them since they are not the same treatment, each one has differences and benefits.  So, which are the differences? Keep reading this article to know the main differences between them, know how […]

What is the broken tooth extraction procedure like?

broken tooth extraction

Everyone wants to keep their natural teeth for their whole life. However, there can be accidents and circumstances that can lead your dentist to recommend the removal of a broken tooth.  A broken tooth extraction procedure is usually advised when there is dental trauma, disease, and crowding that jeopardizes your dental and overall health. Therefore, […]

Home remedies for a toothache

Home remedies for a toothache

A toothache is something that every person has experienced at least once in their lifetime. This is since over 90% of adults have had some form of tooth decay in their lives, which tends to be one of the main causes of toothache. However, basic toothaches not always require strong painkillers, since there are home […]

How to take care of braces


It is well known that braces require special care routines and habits to protect your investment. Once that you get your dental braces, you might feel unsure about how to keep a good maintenance and care of your dental braces; you may also feel some pain in your mouth for some time until you get […]

How much do dental crowns cost?


A dental crown is a covering that is placed over a tooth to improve its aesthetical appearance when a tooth gets chipped, fractured, or broken. The cost varies depending on the dental clinic, however, it is usually between $1,000 and $1,500. It should also be remembered that with the change of year prices usually rise, […]

How does diabetes affect dental health?


If you have reached this article you probably know that you have diabetes or a family member or friend suffers from it, so we will address several points about how diabetes can affect dental health so that you can take the necessary measures to prevent it from affecting you or your family members.  How does […]

How to have a beautiful smile this holiday

beautiful smile

On these holidays everyone wants to show off a beautiful, white smile to their relatives, colleagues, and friends. Even when this year most gatherings will be reduced due to the Coronavirus pandemic. That is why in this article we will talk about tips to achieve a holiday smile and about different aesthetical procedures that we […]

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic braces


Ceramic braces are an aesthetical alternative to traditional metal braces when planning an orthodontics treatment. They are usually sought due to their clear appearance, making it harder to tell that you got braces at all. However, since it still is an orthodontics treatment, there are cons and pros that you need to know between ceramic […]


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